LabVIEW: Simple event structure

I searched everywhere to get an example or some help of a simple event structure and a state machine working together. I have used state machines extensively and really like the way they work but never tried implementing an event structure into it.
Here is a very simple state machine which runs through an initialising state and then sits in a running state. The event structure is in the running state and monitors the two button for a state change and also the close window button. 
Initialise button: Takes the program back into the Initialising state.
Stop button: Takes the program into the Stop state and then stops the program.
Close Window: Show a message that the program must first be stopped before it can be closed. Then takes the program into the CloseWindow state and then back to the Running state.

I am sure there are much better ways to perform this task so if you have any tips please leave me a comment. As soon as I find a more efficient process, I will be sure to update this post and program.
To download the example VI, use this link.

LabVIEW: Sending an email to a gmail account

Logging to a database in a LabVIEW application has its uses, however sending test results as an email can also be very useful. Sending an email to a Google (gmail) account is relatively simple using .NET constructors.

By using the various constructors, an email can be sent using an existing gmail account. (Click here to get a gmail account.) The email can be sent to a recipient, carbon copied to a recipient and even have an attachment added. 
By using the VI as part of an application, any string can be written and sent as an email. I used this VI to email results for an automated test so that I could monitor its progress after each test was completed. Logging to a database is also very effective but sometimes it’s easier to access an email account over accessing a results database.
To download the example VI, use this link.